Sunday, March 1, 2009

you're the inspiration

Lately I have been thinking about where we get our inspiration. Sometimes it seems as if it comes to me all at once, a torrent ideas and emotions filling me until I must write or drown. At other times, it seems as though I have to crawl for every inch of ground I get in my essay. Each word is a battle struggling against a foe who is just a little bit stronger and a little bit quicker, yet somehow you manage to overpower the foe for just long enough to get the next word. Then: back to the same struggle.

I am not naive enough to think that all of us go through the exact same process when writing, but I am curious as to how we get the ideas we do. Do our experiences somehow push us toward certain writing, or do we put labels on our experiences?

Some would probably say it is a cop out but, I don't know that I have an answer for my dilemma, because sometimes it seems as though it is one way and sometimes the other. So Eng 328ers I am wondering where you fall on this certain issue. Perhaps as a group we can come to some sort of understanding. Perhaps we can encircle truth and gaze briefly upon its light.


1 comment:

  1. I prefer not to think about how inspiration comes ruins the magic of the moment when you go 'Holy sweet piss, that's a great idea!'
