Sunday, March 15, 2009

Georgia on my mind...

I've got Georgia on my mind.

Actually, I have Georgia and Florida on my mind.

Let me back up. I have spent the last 10 days in Florida (and driving between there and here) on Spring Break. One word describes this trip: awesome. Now, let me tell you, the beach was awesome. Sunny, relaxing, and totally what this about-to-graduate senior needed. I loved every second of the trip. However, I don't want to talk about Florida. I expected Florida to be beautiful and amazing.

I did not, however, expect Georgia to be anything like it was. You know those horrible stereotypes that are so easy to give? I assigned one to Georgia many years ago. The stereotype was something like this: boonies. hillbillies. hicks. ugly. boring. never want to go there.

I found myself driving through Georgia on the way to Florida and being taken aback by its beauty. I mean, wow. It all started in Atlanta as we drove up to the city and exclaimed something along the lines of "where are we? this is beautiful!" I have never been so attracted to a city before. It was like emerald city, but more bluish than green. I immediately wanted to live there. This city, was possibly overshadowed by the beautiful surroundings. The rolling hills and lush vegetation was brilliant. I enjoyed every bit of it.

Returning to Nebraska was, for the first time in my life, a little bit of a let down.



  1. I so agree. Floria--supposed to be aweseome. Georgia--unexpectedly awesome.
