Sunday, March 1, 2009

Unexpected Connections

I know this is my second post in a one-post period, but I feel its an important one to make concerning this class. LZH, feel free to count this one for next week, even though I'll probably do another one at the end of the week.

I like it when people take off their masks and reveal who they are, what they've gone through in life, and are true to themselves and me. This doesn't always lead me to like the person, and sometimes it makes me like the person even less because of how they tell their story. However, it allows me to connect with them on a level that makes me realize how alone we really aren't.

This came to my mind now because of a few essays written by some of my classmates I had to read for class today. Something I had to do became something I was glad to have done. I connected with each one of their essays, each one telling stories I could relate to on a very personal level. I shared something with all of them, people I've known for awhile but never really interacted with. After reading their essays, I wish I had gotten to know them better in the time I've known them...even become good friends with them. What was strange to me was that while all their topics dealt with family and self in some manner, they all had different issues that separated them...but I felt extremely connected with all of them because I had been through many of the same things. I won't name the people or issues for the sake of their privacy, and therefore I won't go into how I connected with them specifically. Their writings have inspired me to explore my own issues in writing soon. Honestly, I'd like to do it now, but other responsibilities concerning college life hold me back from it now. When I do, I will share it. I don't expect ya'll to read it all, or even any of it, but I need to tell it all in one piece and just knowing its out there for people to read will be therapeudic.

Its a good feeling when you find and appreciate the benefits of a class. I haven't really had that feeling in a very long time.


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