Thursday, May 7, 2009


The semester is over...this blog will most likely die off with it. Farewell to you, my classmates and professor...many of which I will never encounter again. God's blessings on your endeavors.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Wonders of NyQuil

Earlier this week I came down with a cold. It sucked...big deal, I know. The worst part was not being able to get a good nights sleep after feeling miserable all day. Then I found my new best friends...the 'Quils...first names Day and Ny...they are so dependable. They always made me feel better. I made myself laugh though because I came to think of DayQuil as some type of energy formula. I thought, if I take DayQuil at night will it help me stay up late and get some work done? Likewise, I came to see NyQuil as some type of poison apple that as soon as I consumed it I would pass out. I made sure to have my contacts out, my pajamas on, and fully reclined before taking a dose. One night I took some NyQuil while sitting at my computer and I swear it made my legs fall asleep. I quickly scrambled up to my bed before the medicine took hold of my entire body. I don't think I understand how it works....but however it works, I'm likin' it.


Done with School--Time to Work

"She's like a ticking clock."--Jason Bateman (Juno)

I have absolutely no plans for the future. Graduation is drawing ever nearer, and I have ... well (will have) a piece of paper that states my degree. Rest assured, I'm looking for work, but nothing ... and I mean nothing has given me any success. Scared Shitless is what it should say, but I haven't got time for that. Never do.

In fact, the scared part of me has never been allowed out. It settles next to the stressed, nervous, anxious and panicked. My Dad has been the cause of that. It's not bad; in fact, if he hadn't have been there pushing me, I would've fallen and not made it as far as I am today.
We talked about a week ago, where he "panicked for" me. Somebody has to do it, right?

Oh, I'm plenty worried, but I also have the assurance that God will be there for me. I'm not trying to be "churchy," but on the whole knowing that He has my back helps.


The 'good ol' days'

So last week Concordia's Wind Ensemble had a concert. And it was very good. They even played the Pirates of the Caribbean theme... which was very well done. But it brought me back to the thoughts I have about 'the good ol' days' and how people wish they would come back.
Why do we make pirates of the days of old seem so cool? Honestly, I would never want to be one. To be on a ship for months without end. And then to have lice and fleas. Of course, depending on how long one was out at sea, scurvey would probably affect you. And then you have to have these dangerous fights, where if you get shot in the leg, it's likely it will get infected with gangrene and have to be cut off - without anesthesia, only a bullet to bite on and a little whiskey to pull you through.
And what about the pirates we have now? We're not applauding their actions because they're pirates, trying to bring back the good times of pillaging on the high seas. In fact, we worry for the hostages and their families. That's the exact same thing that people felt back when. So why would anyone want to say, "I'd love to be a pirate" ?
And then there's people who say they'd love to have lived in the 18th or 19th century. Sure, it would be nice to go to those fancy balls. But would that really be worth the likelihood of dying of cholera or scarlet fever or smallpox? Or, for women, the high probability of dying during childbirth? How about if you got sick, even with just a short-term flu? You would get a nice session of bloodletting with leeches. And personally, as a female, I would hate that all I could do is sit around and sew, gossip, and wear a corset that is rearranging the organs in my abdomen and not allowing me to breathe.
I'm sure there were interesting things in the past. But you could never make me live there. I'm sure the future might be better, too, and people from the future will not understand how we lived the way we do. But I prefer now, the 21st century. Not everything is perfect, but it's better than before. I'll just read about the past, enjoy the present, and take in the future day by day.


As you go through another year of life, do your really gain any more experience or knowledge based on age alone?

As I turn 20, will I experience some monumental event that will make me more mature or wise?

Can our age determine our youth or our wisdom?

It makes me wonder if age really is "nothing but a number." Maybe we should count age on experiences rather than by years.

---Austin B.


I never have had a sister, and honestly never wanted one. With three older brothers I must have liked being the only girl. Even when I wanted a younger sibling, I always wanted it to be a boy. I'm not sure I understood (-stand) the sister-sister bond. Brother-brother I get from watching mine interact, and sister-brother I know even more intimately. But sister-sister I am only aquainted with. I think, however, and this may be too bold of me, that I am beginning to understand it more through my own relationships with my friends. I have friends close enough that I never worry about losing the relationship, even when fighting and arguing. Even when I want to hit them for being so irritating, I love them. Sisters may think I'm off the mark. Maybe being sisters is completely different. I wouldn't know.