Sunday, April 5, 2009

High school to college

Yesterday was my sister's junior prom. I got to see her all dressed up, and my dad and I drove with her into Lincoln to drop her off at her friend's house, where a big group of them were meeting and then going to dinner and the dance from there. It was interesting to watch the kids, see them all dressed nice and having fun together. Sometimes they were really silly, acting just like, well, high schoolers. Sometimes I just wanted to roll my eyes.

I think back to when I was that age, those high school years. I did enjoy my it, spending time with friends and doing all those high school activities. I was probably a silly high school girl, just like my sister. I have tons of memories from those years. I wouldn't trade those years for anything.

But you couldn't pay me enough to make me want to go back to high school. I don't know how I made it work, eight classes every day with homework for each every night, going to bed at 12:30 or 1 and getting up at 6 or 6:15. And you all know how it was... the cliques that existed, the gossip, the 'high school drama.' It just seems so... unimportant now. For some reason college just seems so much better, my classes are all interesting and more 'valuable' as I see it, and although some 'drama' still exists in the gossip chain, I tend more towards the apathetic side of things. Maybe it's just the growing up that happens in college that does this. I never want to go back to high school, but I did enjoy it at the time.

Sometimes my sister says or does things that I think are so 'high school' and ridiculous. Sometimes I want to say to her how silly she is, how 'high school' it is. But I don't, because I realize she should cherish these times. The high school time won't last too long, she'll be in college soon. I wonder if she will think the same thing about high school that I do now?

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