Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tea-bagging? Seriously?

Okay, gotta say, remind me again why I'm a Republican? Tea-bagging? Seriously? Who came up with that? I get the protests but sending tea-bags to DC? Bizarreness. Found this video - Rachel Maddow just cracks me up anyway. She kind of reminds me a bit of Dr. Ashby. Gotta say my favorite part is around 2:07. I don't think I could keep a straight face either.

"Well who wouldn't want to tea-bag John McCain?" *takes camera off Rachel who's about to completely lose it* I like that every time she appears to be losing it they put Ana on full-screen.
Is it bad that I'm really not surprised David Vitter is all over this?


  1. I saw that video yesterday...absurd. It just makes fun of do the protesters expect to be taken seriously?

  2. I'm always reminded of Ashby, too, when I see/hear/watch this lady. :)
