Monday, April 6, 2009


I don't have class until after 10 on Mondays, but I got up at 7:45. Why, you may ask? This weekend the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association Conference was held up at Wayne college. A few members of the Sower staff were honored with awards at this ceremony. However, none of the honorees from Concordia decided to attend under the advisement of Prof. Ohlman. He said it wasn't worth driving the distance for this award ceremony. I now understand why...

So I met a man from the NCMA this morning at 8 because he was supposed to drop off our awards that we weren't present to accept on Saturday. I was very appreciative of this man taking the time to come by Concordia's campus on his way to work at Doane. However, as he pulled out our awards I noticed that our students names were spelled wrong. I had noticed that these names were spelled incorrectly a couple weeks ago when we received notice of our winnings. I sent them several emails correcting the mistake and they assured me it would be taken care of. It wasn't.

Now, I don't mean to whine, but I just kind it somewhat ironic that a journalism association has trouble spelling correctly. I'm just glad we didn't drive up to Wayne to accept awards that were printed with our names spelled incorrectly. That would have been irritating. The man apologized and said they will reprint them and mail them out. He's the one who noticed the mistake; I probably wouldn't have said anything. I appreciated him taking time coming out to Concordia so we didn't have to waste ours driving to some second-rate journalism competition. Rant over.


  1. Sorry I forgot...this was written by Carson.

  2. What jerks. See, I probalby did win something but you didn't notice cuz it was spelled Emaleigh Berlian
