Monday, April 13, 2009


Another five spots on her liver, the beginning of tumors. Really? REALLY? I thought things were going well! Why does she have to go through this again? It really put a damper on the whole Easter weekend, but I guess if you are going to get this kind of news there isn't a better time. You hear the bad and then are reassured of eternal life through Christ's resurrection. But seriously.

SERIOUSLY?! Hasn't she been through enough? Surgery, radiation, chemo... I just want to scream. Life is NOT fair.

It's not fair that mom has to continually deal with this.
It's not fair that I'm the one she confides in- her CHILD.
It's not fair that she may be dying.
It's not fair that I might not get to have her around for some important things in my life- i.e. marriage, kids and LIFE!

As I dwell in my self-centered ponderings I think about what this is doing to her, what it must feel like to hear these things and think about the possibility of death...

I don't want to think about it. I want to be done with this, but it's just starting again for her...
another type of chemo,
another cycle of mood swings,
tears and side effects.

It's not over yet.



  1. I love you Rach. Your mommy will be in my prayers.

  2. I'm sorry ya'll are having to deal with that. I've had my share [and then some] of family members dealing with cancer...including my own mother. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm right across the street. *hug*
