Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Days are Marching On

I'm glad to see the end of the semester approaching. It's so close I can make out its distinct shape and stride. If I could run and meet it halfway, I would have done it long ago. Alas, I am tethered by responsibilty and time to stay put. The tether is made up of several things, many of which occur Friday. I have a test first thing that morning, followed by a couple more classes, my parents' arrival to see the One Acts, a job interview at Old Chicago in Lincoln, and then the opening night of the One Acts. Any down time I may have will be taken up by keeping my parents busy so they don't get antsy or weigh me down with rapid fire questions that won't cease until something else grabs their or my attention. Fortunately, they won't be staying the entire weekend, so I won't be completely insane by this time next week.

One week from now, if I get the job at Old Chicago, I should be relieved of stress for the most part. Finals week never really gets to me, and I'll be moving from my apartment to a house a few blocks north that same week. I honestly don't like moving, but when I'm in a new space that I get to arrange, rearrange, and decorate...well, I am in one of my little 'happy places.'

Rest of Semester = trying to survive
Summer = income, relaxation, worry-free bliss


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