Sunday, January 25, 2009


I couldn't think of a title for this. I think that that is just one more indicator of the fact that this week was ... well... weird.

It has been the strangest week for me. I feel so out of it. It's like I just realized I was actually a snake who was shedding her skin and adopting a new personality. I am not sure if it is just the stress of being in my final semester of college or something, but I am seriously just in a weird mood. If anyone knows me they know that I am pretty extroverted. I thrive off of people, yet all week I have felt like digging a hole under my bed and chilling out there. I keep finding reasons to stay in my room... like completely rearranging it (at midnight...) and instead of doing homework, I would much rather watch TV. America's Next Top Model--to be exact. So, what is the deal with these pre-graduation jitters? I started wondering if maybe I wasn't just pushing away because I know that the end is near. What a silly defense mechanism!

...Or maybe I think that if I lock myself up in my room I will actually buckle down and force myself to job search. *blech!* I just don't like the way that sounds. "Job search." It definitely does Not roll smoothly off my tongue. Instead it sticks to the roof of my mouth like peanut butter. This immediatly makes me think of a dog with peanut butter in his mouth. Except when dogs have peanut butter in their mouths they eventually swallow it. I wish I could be so lucky. Instead, I know this word vomit also known as "job search" will eventually come out, then turn into an action instead of a thought and then turn into a career.

Not like I don't want a career... I just would much rather fast forward a year so I don't have to deal with goodbyes and hellos. Leaving old friends and meeting new ones. I don't do well with endings or beginnings... I guess I'm just more of a "middle (wo)man." Unfortunatly, change is inevitable in life. In fact, maybe it is the only thing that can truly be counted on.


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