Sunday, January 18, 2009


Plans are something that I've never been good at. Every time I try to make one, it usually ends up going very badly, and then I just get frustrated, annoyed, and angry. Spontaneity, however, can sometimes prove to be just as dangerous for me. If I have no structure at all, I go on these whims where I do what seems best at the time, rather than do what is best for the future. This, also, can result in frustration, among other things. I wish there was a balance, a fairness, in life. This idea is constantly thwarted by realists - those who would say that life simply is not fair and never will be. Although these people may be right to a certain extent, I sometimes wonder if they are the ones, perhaps, who have created this "unfairness" that life continually yields. Perhaps they have created the idea of planning and all of the rules that everyone need follow to not be disappointed in life. Where is the risk? Where is the wonder? Although a sobering feeling, the chance for failure sometimes seems attractive to me. "Learning the hard way" is something that we are all taugh to avoid, yet to me, it seems that those who have learned the hard way have learned and gained the most experience in life. A plan, if carried out correctly, can, no doubt, create a sense of self-accomplishent, but in my opinion, this feeling of self-accomplishment cowers below the feeling of uncertainty, not knowing what's around the next corner. Not knowing what life or time might throw at you next. Perhaps, I stand alone in my beliefs, but if being labeled as an unrealist is possible, jot my name down at the top of the list.

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