Saturday, January 24, 2009

Artistic Eye

I am currently taking a photography course and just attempted to complete my first assignment of taking photos. As I was wandering around the Haymarket in Lincoln trying to find the best places to shoot, it became apparent to me how taking a class like photography can completely change how you view the world around you. We've been learning about contrasts and angles and all other sorts of styles and techniques to taking great photos that it has become ingrained in my mind and everything I see I tend to view from an artistic standpoint. Just looking outside now I find myself wondering how that sign might look in a photo, or the row of trees down the sidewalk that are just lightly dusted with snow. It's interesting to me how easily our minds can be influenced like things such as a photography class. I'm now wondering if this new artistic eye that I seem to be developing will somehow assist me in this class when I am writing. I feel like I am more observant about the details of what I'm seeing so perhaps it will be easier for me to describe a scene through my writing. One can only hope!



  1. It's just amazing how being taught new perspectives and skills can alter how you view and interact with the world. I've experienced it from the jobs I've worked and the classes I've taken.

  2. It's totally true Shelley. I took photography my sophomore year and I haven't been quite the same since! I'm constantly taking these sweet "spacial confusion" pictures and looking for contrast and angles. It's forever ruined me! (and by ruined, I mean drastically enhanced my photography skills....:) hehe)


  3. Photography was my favorite class I've ever taken in college. Just sayin'.
