Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reaction to Notecards

I still haven't quite figured out this Blog thing and what we're supposed to do...but maybe this is the right thing to do...or not. Either way I'll figure it out. I love that other people write things down all the time. Ever since college I've started writing down quotes. At the moment I used the "notepad" in my cell phone but it's full. Carrying a tiny notepad would be the best. Luckily I have paper everywhere around me so I'm usually not out of luck.

I'm a documenter of events. I like to record everything that happens to me, significant or insignificant. It gives great insight of my old self to my current self and maybe gives a preview of my future or possible self.

I just thought of it like that, though: using my "old self" through my writing to learn about my current or future self. A lot of the time I say things that even surprise myself. I wonder if I'm missing some connection between my mouth (or my fingers) and my brain.

I truly believe that CNF is about witnessing. Sharing something you witness, giving witness to your own life, etc. I have been journaling constantly since about 8th grade. It's fascinating to go back and see what "12 year old Alicia" was thinking and doing. Without my journals I would have barely any clue as to what I felt back then, nor would anyone else. Sometimes I share things I read in my old journals with friends who didn't know me back then...and it gives them great insight into who I am today, their 21 year old friend Alicia.

I also document because, sadly, my memory isn't the greatest. I could barely remember what I did on Friday night until I sat still and really thought about it. Finally I realized that I organized and rearranged my new dorm room and visited with a couple friends. Really basic events that happened only two days ago and yet I had a hard time recalling them. This is where writing down my significant and insignificant life events comes in handy. (Pictures also help.)

Well, I hope this is what I was supposed to do. It was a good time.

1 comment:

  1. I also really enjoy reading about *12 year old Alicia*... I was so scared... I was shaking...

    Probably the best thing ever.

