Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fate, Destiny, or Just Pure Coincidence?

I've always struggled with these three above ideas. Which one is really behind some of the unexpected things that happen to us in life? I believe, to a certain extent, that God is in control of the choices and decisions we make in our lives. He gives us free will to make some of our own choices in life, but I can't help but think that He is behind some of these "coincidences" in our lives. I'm not sure that we can always quite comprehend the impact that He has. The idea of fate and destiny, to me, are no more and no less than God at work. I can't explain it any other way. I don't believe that there is some strange and mystic power of the universe guiding us through our time here on earth. It just sounds sort of absurd. God puts people, opportunities, and choices in our lives for a reason. He knows what move you're going to make next before you even make it. He has a plan, a plan that I sometimes wish I knew, but I think that is the thrill of living. Not knowing the unknown. Not knowing what's around the next corner. Not knowing what twist of fate, destiny, or pure coincidence that God is going to throw at you next.

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