Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Then comes the quiet of Christ to me"

"Then comes the quiet of Christ to me" --Joseph Campbell
During choir rehearsal a few evenings past the phrase, which is the title of this post, had a large impact on my thoughts while singing this song. The text writer, Joseph Campbell, begins his poem, "When rook fly homeward," by describing elements of nature. He then completes his thought with the powerful phrase, "Then comes the quiet of Christ to me." Being the daydreamer that I am, my mind wandered to pondering thoughts. When do I feel the quiet of Christ in me? What is the quiet of Christ?

Music. It may not be quiet, but I'm at peace. It is while singing or simply listening to music that I feel the quietness of Christ in me. No loud trumpet fanfare to announce His presence, but rather a reaffirmation that He is there. The amazement in my mind that as sinful human beings that someone can use our dirty, wretched selves to make excellent and beautiful music is a constant reminder of God's grace and mercy. The gifts God has given us, regardless of our fall from His will, to write the text and compose a score, are given for His glory alone.

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